How Often To Have Sex: Hidden Conception Secrets for Pregnancy

Everyone would agree that sex is an essential aspect of any relationship, primarily marriage, as it deepens the intimacy and bond between partners. Most sex therapists would agree that having sex less than ten times a year is enough reason to label your marriage sexless.

The question on everyone's mind is how often to have sex, or if you have tied the nuptial knot, how often to married couples have sex. Another confusion concerning sex in marriage or relationships is how often you should have sex when trying to conceive.

This article helps to give clarity to a lot of these issues about sex. We will be demystifying age-long questions about sex, such as its frequency and how often to have sex when trying to conceive. Before we get into details, if you do not have a partner to embark on this journey with, check out, your one-stop dating app, to find love right at your fingertips.

Ageold Tested & Trusted Tips For Getting Pregnant Faster 

So let us get right into it; how do you get pregnant faster than their neighbors would hear you having sex? This section demystifies all of the incorrect facts about sex and conception and lets you know the appropriate frequency of sex that should be had.

1.How Often to Have Sex?

How often should I be having sex to get pregnant is an important question a lot of couples ask. Some people think having sex only during ovulation is the only way to get pregnant; this is not entirely true, as sperm can live up to 5 days in the female body; as such, even having sex before the ovulation period can lead to a pregnancy.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that couples who want to get pregnant should have regular, unprotected sex:

- Every 2-3 days during the woman's fertile window, the 5-7 days leading up to ovulation, and the day of ovulation itself.

- 3-4 times a week during the entire menstrual cycle.

This frequency helps maximize the chances of conception, as it coincides with the woman’s most fertile period and allows optimal sperm quality and quantity.

Some things that can affect sperm quality include wearing tight-fitting clothes, spending too much time in a tub or jacuzzi, and bad cell phone habits.

2.Preconception Checkup

Before you even start thinking about how often to have sex when trying to conceive, there are essential checkups to do first. A preconception checkup ensures you and your partner are fertile enough and undergo appropriate treatment if not. 

If you have any underlying medical problems, they have to be checked out before you try to conceive. Stop thinking about how often do men need to have sex to get a woman pregnant; instead, think about their fertility.

Such assessments include scans, hormonal tests, sperm count, follicular tracking, etc. Once everything checks out, you and your partner embark on the journey.

3.Understand Your Cycle

Many couples do not have enough information about the menstrual cycles or when they are ovulating. Did you know that conception occurs at ovulation? A good knowledge and understanding of the menstrual cycle will help in knowing when couples should have sex and how often married couples have sex.

Ovulation is the best time to get pregnant and also the best time to focus on having sex. Some women have signs of ovulation-like changes in the cervical mucus, which usually becomes slippery. Ovulation prediction kits help predict the best time to get pregnant

4.Forget Sex Positions

A lot of people feel missionary style makes conception faster, and while gravity may help the sperm travel, it is not entirely true that this facilitates conception. 

Myths about best style positions are yet to be scientifically proven; therefore, no one says the conception trial process must be dull and unexciting, have sex however you want as long as it is within the ovulation period if conception is the goal. 

So don't get too preoccupied with how often you should have sex when trying to conceive that you forget to have fun. You can still have wild, banging sex, exploring different positions while trying to conceive.

5.Stay in Bed After Sex

While it is good advice to stay in bed after sex for about 10 - 15 minutes, you do not need to raise your feet in the air to aid the sex move into the womb. You can just lay there while they begin their journey at fertilization. 

Avoid using the restroom immediately, as you can wash away a bit of the sperm cells. It is no secret that men love sex, with some wondering how often men need to have sex, so they want to go on another round immediately. However, there is no need to rush; multiple rounds at once do not guarantee a higher chance of conception.

6.Relax, Don’t Stress

Getting worked over trying to conceive or start a family can affect your ovulation, altering it or shifting the date. Stress also reduces sperm quality and makes the body less optimal for fertilization. So take a chill pill, don't overly worry, relax, and have fun while trying to conceive. 

People who have been sexually harassed or molested are sometimes paranoid, and this may affect fertilization; there are stricter laws to prosecute them, so let go of the past. You may be wondering how often do sex offenders have to register. 

So how often does a sex offender have to register? This depends on the jurisdiction and the specific circumstances of the offender. Do not let anything hold you back from experiencing the joy of being a parent, not even a past trauma, so do not have sex.

7.Healthy Living Equals Health Breeding

Living a healthy lifestyle increases your chance of conceiving as your body becomes a healthy environment for fertilization. Engaging in healthy practices like exercising, eating a balanced diet, drinking adequate water, and getting enough rest and sleep enhances your chances of conceiving. 

However, harmful practices like smoking, drinking, having multiple sexual partners, eating junk, and not getting adequate rest make conception more difficult. Stop taking hormonal contraceptive pills, as this distorts your menstrual cycle and limits your chance of conception.

Forget All The Lies!: Common Conception Myths You Must Know

Let's have some more fun and uncover common myths about fertility and sex frequency. The following statements below are myths and are not true.

- You can control your baby’s sex by timing the intercourse or using a particular position

- Reproduce in your 20s, or you’ll find it difficult to conceive again

- You are more likely to conceive if you have an orgasm

- You should stop all alcohol if you want to conceive

- Cough syrup can help you conceive

- You can't get pregnant if you have intercourse in the water

- Swallowing semen would make you more fertile

- Eating yams while trying to conceive will cause twins

- Adopt a baby, and you get pregnant immediately

- Having sex frequently can hut male fertility.

The Conception Journey Continues

You have learned how often to have sex and tips for getting pregnant faster, such as checkups, calculating the ovulation period, living health, and de-stressing. You also learned that knowing how often sex offenders have to register, or how often a sex offender has to register, should not be a thing of bother. 

Past traumas should not stop you from your current joys. Now that you have demystified most conception myths, it’s time to continue this beautiful journey of bringing life beginning by conception.

If you are looking for a partner to connect with and hopefully have a baby someday, is the perfect dating website for you. On it, you can communicate with your prospective partner free of charge—yes, you got it. 


Is 1 time sex enough for getting pregnant?

Even if that is the first time for the person to have sex, if it falls at the ovulation period, the person can have sex.

How many days after your period is safe to conceive?

It is safe to conceive, depending on your menstrual cycle and the ovulation period. It is safest on day 14 in a 28-day regular menstrual cycle.

Can you get pregnant while not ovulating?

It’s possible because sperm can stay in the body for up to 5 days if it is trapped in fertile cervical mucus.

Is there a 100 % chance of getting pregnant while ovulating?

Having sex during ovulation is not a guarantee that you will get pregnant, as other factors may contribute.


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